Mark Thirman has over 30 years of experience in executive roles at a broad range of telephony, infrastructure, and networking companies. Currently Mark leads global IoT strategy within J.D. Power’s TMT group, a global leader in consumer insights, advisory services, and data analytics. Mark has also worked with Amazon Web Services (IoT), Cloud Technology Partners, TELUS, and Vodafone as VP of M2M Americas.

Mark sits on the board of the MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF) Cambridge, a non-profit affiliated with MIT focused on the success of early-stage technology entrepreneurs. As part of his active role in MITEF Cambridge, he chairs the annual Connected Things conference. He is also a board member at ROTU Media & Entertainment and AccesSportAmerica.

He is a frequent speaker on the topic of IoT/Connected Things at conferences and events including: IOT Slam, IoT Evolution, GoMobile, Body Computing (USC) and CTIA. Mark has been a guest lecturer at MIT, Tufts University, Boston University, and other universities. At Tufts, Mark currently oversees two Master’s Candidates researching their thesis (capstone) projects on IoT topics and is leading his 10th Summer Practicum for a team of graduate students researching IoT issues.

He co-hosts the highly-rated “Failure the Podcast” series as well as many podcasts for MITEF Cambridge’s annual Connected Things conference. Previously, he co-hosted 29 podcasts called the “Tech Entrepreneur” which complimented MITEF Cambridge programs.

Mark studied piano performance at Michigan State University and the Berklee College of Music, has finished 12 slow Boston Marathons and is a married father of four kids.
